Individualized Adaptablity and Accessibility in E-learning, Education and Training Part 2: AcessForAll Personal Needs and Preferences Statement

TitleIndividualized Adaptablity and Accessibility in E-learning, Education and Training Part 2: AcessForAll Personal Needs and Preferences Statement
Publication Typei. Journal Articles
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsHeath, A., Nevile L., and Treviranus Jutta
JournalISO International Organisation for Standards
VolumeISO/IEC 24751-2:2008
Date Published2008

Individualized Adaptablity and Accessibility in E-learning, Education and Training Part 2 : AcessForAll Personal Needs and Preferences Statement (title); Heath , Andy . (author); Nevile, Liddy. (author); Treviranus, Jutta. (author);